
We ship at the same time The new ADV Tgroup Campaign

A transport culture made with passion, competence and… originality. Hundreds of vehicles in transit every day, many platforms from which – at the same time – qualified personnel work to ensure timely deliveries, guarantee the storage of goods and transport safety. Together, as one man, at the same time. This is how the new ADV 2016 Tgroup campaign was born.

Tgroup sends every day, simultaneously from its branches, the goods that are entrusted to it by its customers. Underline this characteristic of simultaneity by playing with art. Contemporary art, precisely. How the emotion of art synchronizes artist and user; how an artistic work at the same time and with different eyes strikes simultaneously to build a unique and unrepeatable experience.

The idea

To highlight in an original way the increasing opening of national junctions and to take note of the considerable business development. Promote the value that Tgroup offers the customer by giving value to the service it offers. What is the best way to enhance Tgroup’s exceptional palletised transport service? Transforming “simple pallets” into contemporary works of art. Treating pallets, the support on which your customers’ goods are loaded as if they were the goods themselves. So a precious object.

So a work of art. Disobeying the idea that the visual arts cannot be combined with the enormous humanity that lives on road and rail expeditions. Because if you add value to the service you get value. Value of people, value of service, value of a customer. More than just an ad campaign. The pallet, the expression of transport that identifies an entire sector, has thus become the support of artists who have “customised” it through their own style.

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Bringing art into the world of transport

How? By creating a partnership with the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples. What better place to choose the artists who would interpret the challenge of educating the transport world about art and the arts? Objective: to create an artistic work starting from a pallet. The opera had to somehow represent Tgroup: the services offered, the sector of work or, precisely, the distribution of the branches in the country. At CAM – Museum of Contemporary Art in Casoria – the young artists of the Academy, together and simultaneously, have worked on their works.

Joint responsibility
Quality & Safety